In 1999 Baranenko Igor and Yulia Peshkova (06.15.78) created another number "The Straps act" (see "About the number"). Before that for 3 years Yulia worked with Raymond Cherniyuskas in his number "An Equilibrium on a ball". Today it is the only number of that kind in Russian Circus on the repertoire of which lots of most difficult tricks of a balancing act genre. Picture

Picture Yulia started her circus activity in her father's (Vasiliy Peshkov - 12.30.1953) number "The Rope-walkers". Vasiliy - disciple of Gnilov - graduated from the circus studio of Tula (Russia). He began as an underneath man of a team in a number created by Vladimir and Evgeniy Voldganskiy. There he met his wife Irina Peshkova (07.02.1951). Irina graduated from choreographic college and worked in Uliy Vzorov team. She came to a circus in 1974. Her education and practical skill helped her to perform interesting tricks with a polished performance. For instance standing on Vasiliy's head with her leg up she toe-danced adagio. Picture


In 1981 Vasiliy and Irina created their own number "The Rope-walkers". Vasiliy is a great circus performer of unique tricks. For example standing on a small platform which is fixed up in the middle of a rope he performs a pirouette with a perch on his forehead. In 1966 performing this act at the "Golden Circus" competition (Italy) he bore away the second prize. At the present time he continues to work all over the world. Picture

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